Enhance Your Clean and Sober Life - Join Star Fellowship

The Story of Star Fellowship

About Star Fellowship

Founded in 1995, Star Fellowship has been dedicated to fostering a community that thrives on joy and mutual support. Our mission is to create a space where individuals can connect, grow, and celebrate life together. Over the years, we have built a legacy of compassion, innovation, and unwavering commitment to our values. Our team, driven by a shared passion for making a positive impact, works tirelessly to ensure that every member feels valued and inspired.
summer retreat 1995

Meet Our Team

Our team is the heart of Star Fellowship, bringing diverse talents and a shared vision to life.

Sharon M
Sharon M

Board Prez

Bill F
Bill F

Vice Prez

Jamie O
Jamie O

Summer Retreat Vice Chair

Gary G
Gary G

Winter Retreat Vice Chair

John S
John S

Coomunications Chair

Jeanne M
Jeanne M

Membership Chair

Gretchen M
Gretchen M

Secretary Chair



Grateful dan
Grateful dan

Retreat Facilitator

Ann M
Ann M

Retreat CoFacilitator

Our Journey Through the Years

Explore the significant milestones that have shaped Star Fellowship into the vibrant community it is today.



In 1974, Hy Weizel, a local contactor and AA member, (Sydney Mills was Hy
Weisel’s sponsor) bought a poorly run motel called Santa Lucia located at 5271
Scotts Valley Drive in Scotts Valley, and his friend in AA, Jerry Williams, became
the Program Director. Together they turned this motel into a more sophisticated
licensed psychiatric hospital with medical doctors on staff. In addition to alcohol
addiction, the hospital also treated patients with drug addiction, dual diagnoses,
and eating disorders. It was named the Star Lodge Hospital. Today this is the
location of the Saint Phillip’s Episcopal Church.


Star Fellowship Begins

Around 1976, Jerry created Star Fellowship, a non-profit organization, to
create continuity for hospital alumni and provide activities to allow them to learn
how to have fun again while staying sober and clean. During this time, there were
yearly picnics, baseball teams, dinners, and the quarterly newsletter. These
activities and many others continue to this day.

As the Star Lodge Hospital progressed, Hy and Jerry realized that the social
model of recovery was becoming more widespread and funding was becoming
more available for these types of facilities. The cost was considerably less making
insurance companies more interested. Hy and Jerry saw a greater need for this


The camp is started

Around 1984, Hy bought another property in Scotts Valley from Nolan Bushnell and Atar in Scotts Valley. This became The Camp. Jerry became the Program Director.

The Camp was bought and sold a few times after Hy’s death, was owned by CRC, and is currently owned by Acadia Health Care.
Jerry was very insturmental in the recovery field and in the history of the Star Lodge Hospital and the Camp.

Jerry was dedicated and brought years of service to those in recovery and for his many years of facilitating the Star Fellowship twice-yearly retreats. Jerry brought his spirituality and sense of humor to all the retreats along with the medicine wheel focus groups, meditation practice, and so much more.

For many first-time retreat attendees, this was their first experience with meditation and the beginning of our understanding of step 11.

Since 1975

summer and winter retreats

Star Fellowship, a non-profit organization founded in 1975, began organizing retreats to support individuals in recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. These retreats provide a safe and supportive environment for participants to strengthen their recovery, spirituality, and self-awareness.

The retreats have been a core part of Star Fellowship’s mission, offering opportunities for clean and sober fun, personal growth, and community building among those in recovery.

For the past 5 decades, Star Fellowship has been sponsoring two retreats every year. The location may have changed, but the model has continued under a few different facilitators.

The Winter Retreat is held on the first weekend in December at Villa del Mar Retreat Center in Santa Cruz. It is a fun time for regaiing our personal spiritual grwoth before the busy holiday season with lots of fellowship for new and returning members.

Beginning in 2023, the Summer Retreat, usually held on the first weekend in June has been at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos. This has been a wonderful location with more moderate temperature and  comforatable accommodations. The close location is often helpful to our newer members who help to enrich those with more time in recovery.

For more information about attending either of these retreats, please see our Retreats page.

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“Star Fellowship has been a beacon of hope and joy in my life. The community events are always uplifting and leave me feeling connected and valued.”

Stan M

Community Member

“Partnering with Star Fellowship has been an incredible experience. Their dedication to fostering a positive community is truly inspiring.”

Sara R

Partner Organization

“Thanks to Star Fellowship, I have found a supportive network of friends who share my passion for enjoying life to the fullest.”

Emily J


“The impact of Star Fellowship on our community cannot be overstated. They bring joy and a sense of belonging to everyone they touch.”

Lisa D

Local Leader

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